I am the Secretary for the Panhandle Chapter of Building Officials Association of Florida (BOAF). We meet monthly to inform/educate building officials, inspectors and contractors of different topics to grow them and make them more aware. Jake, city of Panama City Building Official. He stated that the Children’s Advocacy had done a presentation for Code Enforcement and felt like we would benefit as well. The topic was Human Trafficking – Signs to look for. We have a meeting coming up in a few weeks and would love to get your feedback as soon as possible. The meeting includes a lunch and a presentation (30-45 minutes in length typically).
I am the Secretary for the Panhandle Chapter of Building Officials Association of Florida (BOAF). We meet monthly to inform/educate building officials, inspectors and contractors of different topics to grow them and make them more aware. Jake, city of Panama City Building Official. He stated that the Children’s Advocacy had done a presentation for Code Enforcement and felt like we would benefit as well. The topic was Human Trafficking – Signs to look for. We have a meeting coming up in a few weeks and would love to get your feedback as soon as possible. The meeting includes a lunch and a presentation (30-45 minutes in length typically).